The first time I heard Dark Side of the Moon, I really didn't know what all the fuss was about. In the years since, I have learnt to love why so many people the world over have loved and loved this album again. Starting with a heartbeat, this album pulsates with emotion - real, raw, emotion - from beginning until its heart-beating end.

So why has Dark Side of the Moon had such long lasting success? When the album was first made, Pink Floyd had lost the main lyricist and protagonist of the band - Syd Barrett - only recently, and the previous albums (particularly Meddle), had been filled largely by long, psychedelic instrumental pieces. But out of this came an album that explored the human experience as completely as it could on its two sides. With the album looking at greed, insanity, and death, it is hardly surprising that the album has maintained a strong and growing fan base from one generation to the next.

When Dark Side of the Moon first came out, it was well received by critics and fans alike, but held the top spot of the US charts for only one week. However this was merely the beginning of the story. Dark Side of the Moon stayed in the Billboard 200 for an amazing and unsurpassed 736 weeks, selling 40 million copies worldwide (more than 770,000 copies in Australia).

The album moved on from the instrumental psychedelic soundscapes of the previous album, adding in pop values while still maintaining a great deal of depth in its lyrics. By far the best-known song from the album is Money - the great dedication to the curse of the modern world. But the album is what has the lasting appeal - the way each song flows into the next so perfectly. The album marks a turning point for psychedelic and underground music, bringing once and for all into the mainstream. It has been both the conscious and subconscious influence for literally countless bands, and has proven that intelligent and challenging music does not need to exist of the fringe but can be loved, adored in fact, by the masses.

Dark Side of the Moon holds a particularly strong place in the hearts of Australians. In 2006, ABC viewers and listeners voted it as their favourite album.

Plus, in case I haven't sold the album on its merits alone, Dark Side of the Moon is also the subject of one of the coolest rumours in rock music - Dark Side of the Rainbow . The idea, for those not familiar, is that if you play the album at the same time as watching the Wizard of Oz (from the MGM Lion's third roar) you will notice how much the music matches up to what is on screen. Ever since the rumour first appeared, the band has denied any conspiracy, but it is still fun to check it out (link) and see whether you believe the way it fits is planned or merely a coincidence.

So, in honour of this amazing concept album, one of the most successful albums of all time and undoubtedly the reason Pink Floyd will be remembered far longer than many of their contemporaries, here is my favourite song from the album, the song that, without words, tackles death and what we may experience in the life hereafter, The Great Gig in the Sky.


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