“Without music, life would be a mistake”

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900)

Welcome to Two Bears in a Record Store, a blog about…well…music.

I’m Chocolate Bear aka CB and my counterpart is Vanilla Bear aka VB.

We’re Australian and in our 20’s, so naturally this blog will host more Aussie content than many but it will also go beyond that.  Combined, we think we could try and form an opinion about any music: reggae to trip hop to guitar funk to rock.

You the reader are the most important part of our blog.  Without you we have nothing. We need your input on every post, we need to know what you want to hear about and when you want to hear about it. We want to know what YOU think, so that we can make you part of the “Two Bears” community.

We’re going to bring you a listening experience that will open your eyes to new sounds and a whole new world of fun. So in the coming days, weeks, and months you can look forward to giving our take on a whole bunch of music reviews, news and views.


VB and CB


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